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To Work With Full Dedication Is Like Invoking Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat Mentally

(Extract from Seminar 1 at Meditation Center Quy Thức  - Amphion-Les-Bains, France, 09.09.1986-15.09.1986)


Question: Dear Master, you said that working with full dedication is equivalent to mentally invoking Nam-Mo-Di-Da-Phat. Why do we feel that our energy is depleted, when we work in the outside world? What is the difference between working with full dedication and mentally invoking Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat?


When you work with full dedication and think about the consciousness of harmony of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat, there will be no difference!

When I do a task, I must work with full dedication; when cleaning, I must clean thoroughly. My consciousness must be clean like the object I am cleaning, and I must succeed in my task.

My mind must always remember the original principle of consciousness of harmony from the mantra Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat, so it's like I am mentally invoking Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat.

Many people say, if I sit down to mentally invoke Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat, how can I work?

But when I work with full dedication, it's like I am invoking Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat mentally. I am practicing my own spirit of total service. Even when I serve others with full dedication, this is insignificant compared to the work of God, do you see it? 

Once you have acquired the habit of serving others with full dedication, you will see that you will also practice the mental invocation of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat with dedication.

Once you are able to work with full dedication in society, you will be even more dedicated in your spiritual tasks. 

Therefore, it is important to cultivate that virtue.

Don't say: "If I work like that, I will be so tired, that I won't be able to practice meditation." This is not correct.

I am not yet fully dedicated, I am still nitpicking.

When I am fully dedicated, I will forget my weariness.

Once I have done my job, I feel vibrant! Why vibrant?

I have accomplished my work successfully, and I feel light.

After you finished your job and saw the good results, do you feel happy?

If you don't see the good results, you will not feel happy. Since you have not completed the job, you are not yet fully dedicated.

When we are truly dedicated, we feel satisfied with our work, and our heart is very peaceful. Therefore, our actions are similar to our mind and will. The more dedicated we are in our work, in the future, when we use our mind and determination, we will be even more dedicated, and we will feel lighter.