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Spiritual Ascension With Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat

Lecture by Master Vi-Kien at the Seminar 1 

at the Vi-Kien Meditation Center in Arrowhead, California (1986).



We practice the mental invocation of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da Phat to nurture our will to ascend spiritually.

We will also unify the three spheres in our organism: the upper, middle, and lower spheres. In the future, as you practice the mental invocation of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat, you will see that the upper and lower spheres will become one.

Even though our body is divided into the upper, middle, and lower spheres, the three spheres will return to oneness.

Once we are able to unify the three spheres, we will only see an aura and will no longer be aware of our body.

When our great spirit is illuminated, we will only see the aura.

Therefore, we need to cultivate our serenity to comprehend and educate our viscera. If we lack serenity, how will we be able to listen to the sound of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat inside ourselves 

which echoes from the lower to the middle, then to the upper sphere of our head?

At the exact time and hour of the day, the innumerable sentient beings inside our body should wake up to remind us of our spiritual cultivation. There will also be a proper altar, which is brightly lit. 

However, if we lack serenity, in a 24 hour/day, if we talk idly for 18 or 15 hours, and in the remaining 5 to 6 hours, we sleep and remain agitated, then, how can we listen to our true consciousness inside?


Therefore, we must practice the mental invocation constantly in order to restore our serenity.

Then, we will be able to hear the inner sounds clearly.

We do not practice the mental invocation of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat to implore for salvation.

If you practice the invocation of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat to implore for salvation, you will be deluded!

We practice the mental invocation of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat to develop ourselves, to focus our own potential of spiritual energy as an offering to the Lord,

Only when The Lord provides us spiritual guidance, will we become lucid.

If we are unable to elevate our energy to the World Above, we won’t be able to establish the divine connection, and we cannot get help yet.

It proves that our pure energy has been dragged down in this physical body. Now, if we want to return to our origin, we must develop ourselves to bring our energy upward.

Only then will  the World Above be able to pull us upward.

When our energy is pulled upward, this is called “to exit the body”.

“Only when the consciousness is serene, will one project one’s energy outside the body”.

There is a saying, “The sea must be calm, before the pearl of light appears.”

When you practice the vow of silence and cultivate your serenity, the sea is calm, and the pearl of light will appear, 

When you practice the Concentration of Spiritual Energy, you will see light. Do you see it? 

“Only when the consciousness is serene, will one project one’s energy outside the body”.

You are able to elevate your energy outside your body, but what helps to project this energy outside?

The formation of the mantra Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat has helped your spiritual ascension by purifying your energy from one level to another.

You are currently sitting here with closed eyes,

You are listening to my words and you feel your flux of energy becoming lighter and lighter and pulling upward.

If your energy is pulled upward, you won’t be deceived by the World Above.

Only when we turn outward, will we be deceived. To turn outward means to be impure.

While sitting here, your thoughts travel to the other side, you want either to compete here or to fight there, all these are impurities.

Only impure thoughts lead us to delusion. In the sphere of purity, there is only harmony and advancement.

Therefore, we can clearly see the path of darkness and the path of lucidity.

You have agreed to close your eyes and plug your ears in order to abandon your ignorance and to develop your lucidity.

By practicing the Cyclical breathing, it is similar to plugging our nose and projecting our energy.

Now when we inhale, we feel the harmony inside ourselves.

We close all the doors of the earthly world in order to open the door of Heaven.

We will advance toward a place of purity and lightness. At that time, we truly see the value of the mental invocation Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat.


Why do we need to practice the mental invocation at the beginning?

To educate the twelve viscera.

When we are able to regularly invoke the six phonemes mentally, we no longer need to invoke mentally.

At that time, we will always remember Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat.

We will see the principle of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat everywhere. It means that we are able to use our compassionate energy to provide spiritual guidance everywhere, and we can project our compassionate energy outside ourselves.

Therefore, after a certain period of spiritual practice, people will listen to you when you talk.

In contrast, before, no one would listen to you because you were still deceitful, so no one would listen to you. When your heart is sincere and you truly want to guide and bring blessings to someone, they will listen to you. Therefore, you should not abandon this opportunity.

If you practice this Vô Vi method and listen to what I have done and accomplished through my practice.

If you keep going in this manner, you will never be deceived.

However, if you say that you practice the mental invocation of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat to become a Buddha one of these days, this is nonsense!

If we cannot concentrate our energy, how can we become a Buddha?

First, we concentrate our energy, then we ascend to a particular sphere. At that sphere, we are further pulled upward, and learn to be a heavenly immortal, then we continue to the sphere of the Buddhas….We must go through the land of the Immortals before entering the land of the Buddhas.

This is a path of stringent and arduous practice.

In order to return to the heavenly realm, we must practice with great efforts.

It is not possible to say I practice to become a Buddha immediately.

In fact, we must march on the spiritual path by our own efforts.

Therefore, it requires a lot of our time.

It requires extraordinary efforts within serenity, not within agitation.

You can see that an enlightened spiritual adept is very serene.

They never abuse anyone. They are always happy, harmonious, and peaceful.

Do you see this point clearly?

This is the path to return to our true consciousness.