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Xem bài viết bằng Tiếng Việt

Mother’s Love

(Extract from the Book “The Source of Infinite Guidance”, Author: Master Luong Si Hang – Vi Kien)


Sheltered by the paternal sperm and the maternal blood, a human body is being formed. Nourished by the oxygen of Heaven and Earth, it continues to grow in accordance with the law of birth and rebirth.

Thinking of the heavy burden that his mother has endured during her pregnancy, remembering the forbearance and sufferings of his kind mother, the child regards his mother with respect, and would like to reconnect the affectionate bond between mother and child.

The older the child becomes, the more apparent it becomes that the loving bond between mother and child can never be severed. He always remembers and respects the patience and resignation of his kind mother.

As years pass by, the elderly mother continues to live in loneliness and old age, away from her dear children.

A child who knows how to cultivate himself spiritually always wishes to be near his kind mother who gave birth to him. The marvelous hands of the kind mother have never stopped cherishing and serving the newly born child granted to her by the Lord and the Buddhas. She is like a roof enduring rain and sun to protect and raise her child until it grows up, always praying for him to be successful and happy.

The mother always safeguards her child at any price, with a deep and affectionate love. With her existing compassion, the kind mother is always ready to protect and shield her child from any danger that may happen. The mother is always ready to die in order to save her child.

The noble and affectionate love of a kind mother can never be fully described with words.

A spiritual adept sees in his kind mother’s eyes the compassion of the Buddhas. When reunited, they don’t know what to say, and only shed tears. They remember the scenes of war and separation, the ones who leave and the ones who stay, and how mother and child have to be separated temporarily.

Away in a foreign country, lonely and without a family, the child remembers even more strongly the love of his mother, and his heart is always moved by the remembrance. The more he remembers his kind mother, the more he wants to cultivate himself spiritually. Every night, during his spiritual practice, he would pray for his kind mother to be safe and healthy. With his sincere filial piety, he has the opportunity to provide for his kind mother.  He strives to cultivate himself spiritually in order to soon reconnect with the love of Heaven and Earth with the constant births and rebirths.

The life of a human being on earth is similar to a beautiful painting with daily recordings from Heaven and Earth. The heartwarming and glorious details are hidden inside the innumerable selfless actions of the kind mother from wartime until peacetime. Understanding the principle of Heaven and Earth, mother and child can only look at each other, deeply moved and shedding tears.

O dear Mother, I love you so much!



O my dear child,

O Mother, I remember you at each moment….

O Mother, I remember you at each moment….