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Xem bài viết bằng Tiếng Việt

Extract From Q&A Session – “Vi-Kien” Meditation Center, California, USA, 19 April 1986

With this Vô-Vi method, we are perfecting ourselves spiritually for our own good. We should not cause any imbalance to ourselves any longer.

We should always know how to appreciate each of our meals, each of our actions, each of our steps.

We should also be mindful about what we are currently stepping on. 

This is very important, since this behavior will change our character.

What is the purpose of changing our character?

We will become a person with a noble mind, and not a person with a petty mind.

A person with a petty mind is betraying himself whenever he eats, whenever he walks, whenever he wears clothes, because he does not know the love and dedication of the humans who contribute to his comfort.

He forgets all humanity, so how can he remember his father and mother? His father and mother love him, they care for him at each moment, but he dares forgetting them. So how will he ever make progress?

Therefore, we should make efforts to remember and preserve our serenity. However, we eat but do not pay attention to the sentient beings from our food intake. We only bring them inside our body, so they would cause chaos.

“You are bringing me inside, but you did not invite me to sit down. You did not make arrangements for me. You only throw me around in a disorderly manner, so it’s normal that I must revolt myself!”

In contrast, if a person eats and knows how to arrange his food intake with love and constructiveness, then the sentient beings will follow his orderliness, and they will be able to harmonize with him.

Therefore, we are making mistakes very easily, just in the blink of an eye, we are at fault.

Why do the Immortals from the World Above descend here to scold you, why do they scold you loudly? You say, “I am perfecting myself spiritually, so why do you scold me?”. But are you truly perfecting yourself spiritually?

Our mouth says we are perfecting ourselves spiritually, but we do not practice inside. So, the reprimands from the Immortals are helping us.

When the Immortals scold us, they are shining a spiritual light upon us, and we should understand this point. Many people do not understand, and say, “Oh dear, why are the Immortals from Heaven so abusive? Why do they keep insulting me?”

This is not true! They remind us, but if they remind softly, we do not listen. They embrace us, they love us. But if we even forget our birth mother who has raised us since our childhood, how can we talk about any love?  Only reprimands will force us to return. They reprimand us, i.e., they protect us, and we will realize that we have in fact abandoned ourselves.

Therefore, the Immortals remind us very aptly about our spiritual path. They remind us directly, instead of indirectly. This is the efficient way.

When we perfect ourselves spiritually, let’s not depend on our body, let’s not hold to the comfort, but we should rely on our spiritual consciousness, and the level of our determination.

If we do not awaken our spiritual consciousness, we only bury ourselves alive. No one can help us but ourselves. You should understand this point! Now, we practice within austerity, we dedicate ourselves at each minute and second, but then we will be able to rejoice in the future.

Let’s not say that we are Vô-Vi practitioners, if we only practice the Vô-Vi method with our mouth. We boast about it, as if we display a sign on our chest that we practice Vô-Vi. This is not correct! We should examine whether we are willing to rectify our spiritual consciousness? Are we willing to admit our sins? Are we willing to admit our wrongdoings?

We must clearly see our procrastination in order to correct ourselves and advance further. If we do not admit our wrongdoings, how can we make progress? We are wearing a deceptive robe. This physical body is just a deceptive robe which only lasts a few decades. A few decades are only a few days in heaven. It is very short, but we are unable to learn our lessons. If we are asked what we have learned, we would be unable to answer.  

Why so? Because I am infatuated. I am infatuated with my physical body, and when I lose it, I shall be very sad. When we are determined to liberate ourselves spiritually, we do not worry about losing our body. When our determination for soul liberation is unbounded, we only rejoice and never grieve. However, a person who does not know how to nurture his soul for spiritual ascension, will only grieve because of his infatuated nature.

Therefore, when the dead animals are stored in the refrigerator, their souls still sit there and weep. They see that humans are taking revenge on them in such a cruel way. They know about their sins, but the people who will eat them are too cruel in their vengeance. They will be chewed, and so on, so they suffer because they are infatuated with their bodies. They think about their upcoming pains, but this is the law of heaven to give them an opportunity for redemption. If they are infatuated with their bodies and refuse to undergo further reincarnations, they will only hinder their own progression.

Therefore, we are very blessed to know about this spiritual method, which allows us to save and guide all beings through our spiritual practice. When we eat, we know how to guide and save the living beings from our food intake, we know how to care for them, how to elevate them. We know that we and they are the same. In the past, we were also tortured in that way. Today, we have repented and redeemed ourselves, we have endured many lifetimes of hardships before becoming a human being. Now, we no longer want them to endure hardship, we strive to perfect ourselves spiritually in order to guide them, to give them the opportunity to elevate further, instead of being drowned in the ocean of sufferings and constant reincarnations, without a way to escape.

Therefore, I am stressing again the importance of spiritual energy, and I have read the mantra “Nam-Mo”, so that you may listen and analyze which word is energy, and which word is not. During this seminar, we have learned about spiritual energy, but you can experience it clearly through the “Nam-Mo” mantra. How do you feel the pull of energy? How do the vibratory sounds open your consciousness? How does it help you in your spiritual practice? 

We can see the work of the Great Compassion, all for the good of humanity. God’s sacrifice is magnificent, and we are enjoying this sacrifice, but if we refuse to make sacrifices ourselves, when will we be able to progress? 

We know that this body is ephemeral, and not real. It is just an optical illusion, but we still hold to this body, we are infatuated with this body, and keep arguing about it, but we forget our spiritual consciousness.

Your consciousness of serenity is hidden inside, it resides fully within your enlightened consciousness. You should no longer continue to harm yourselves and deprave your consciousness.

We know the technique which allows us to return to our true nature, so we should practice it every day. Let’s not be tardy anymore! 

Everyone is sitting here within serenity. However, if a person starts talking, followed by another, we will be pulled away, and become agitated.

If we are agitated, how can we know the path of return?

Therefore, we must practice the method of serenity in a righteous way. We should close our mouth, and not allow the twelve viscera to act freely. The Master-Soul must act instead. We practice the vow of silence to let the Master-Soul act, and see whether the Master-Soul has understood?

If we allow our mouth to discuss at length, it will keep discussing, but in fact, the twelve viscera are doing the discussion. Our consciousness has allowed the twelve viscera to talk, but now, our Master-Soul has awakened and must work constructively within. 

So, which way will we progress more rapidly? To stay silent will allow us to progress more rapidly. Patience and resignation will allow us to advance faster.

Talking and arguing, sweet talk and so on, are only ways to delude ourselves.