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Xem bài viết bằng Tiếng Việt

Extract from Lecture by Master Vi-Kien in Montreal (6 June 1981)

As you reach a higher spiritual level, you will encounter more and more trials and tribulations.

Why so? In order to build your courage and will for advancement. You must see clearly that you are responsible for obscuring your mind and causing your procrastination.

Therefore, we must learn courage. We must undergo real experiences in order to see the value of COURAGE! Without COURAGE, you will not be able to return to your spiritual root!

You will become discouraged halfway on your spiritual journey. Thus, we must march tirelessly on our pilgrimage. If we become discouraged, we will destroy our cycle of evolution.

All the successes from our spiritual predecessors, whom we presently respect and love, also result from a courageous journey. Without courage, they will never advance toward lucidity and spread a good influence upon all beings on earth. This is a heroic example of courage and advancement. Thus, we must emphasize courage in our practice, in order to achieve our goal.

I see that many Vô-Vi practitioners are currently discouraged. They think that they have been practicing for a very long time without seeing any results! However, they don’t know how to judge: How much have they practiced? How many hours did they truly practice? And how many hours have they destroyed themselves? You demand this and that. In social life, you need this and that, you must satisfy your sexual needs, you want this and that, eventually, you only bury yourselves alive! If you are not determined, how can you make progress?

Therefore, we must be resolute. Any opposing force means an opportunity for us to nurture our courage and will for advancement.

So, you do not need to worry that when you feel discontent and sadness in your inner consciousness, you will encounter failures.

Only if you refuse to cultivate yourselves spiritually, this means failure.

Regardless of any situation you may encounter, you must use your existing means, which is the practice of the Vô-Vi method. You must keep practicing in order to advance.

At that time, you will realize: “All spiritual methods return to one origin. There is only one way”. At that time, your consciousness will be able to attain harmony, and you will return to your true selves.

The more you return to your own selves, the more clearly you will see your own mistakes, and not the shortcomings of the spiritual method.

All spiritual methods encourage the soul to advance toward the infinite sphere of lightness and purity. Only the soul refuses and procrastinates!