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Extract Video “Commitment To Return To Our True Nature” – Brussels – 24 September 1988 – Lecture by Master Vi-Kien
Today, the small steps of the Vietnamese people have taken them all over the world.
The Vietnamese youths have proved their intelligent minds and contributed to the development of everyone in an excellent way.
But we must practice a spiritual method, we must cultivate our spiritual consciousness and rectify our mind.
We only possess our spiritual consciousness, our soul, as our fundamental potential.
We cannot compete with the foreigners as far as money is concerned, we are not capable to do so.
However, if our mind is agitated, how can we make progress?
If our youths achieve awareness that we have lost our equilibrium, if we know how to restore our equilibrium, in the future, we will become advisors for those people encountering hardships and give them positive words, because we have endured the hardships, we have experienced the sufferings and miseries.
Each week, you are receiving letters from home describing the sufferings. You can visualize their life circumstances. You want to help and save them from these hardships.
But first, we need to save ourselves. Are we serene yet?
If we help them just a little, but we boast a lot, this is not correct.
If we are serene and well-balanced, we will commit ourselves to make sacrifices, to practice spiritual merit, and we will provide spiritual guidance to people in any circumstance. We only dedicate ourselves to work constructively, to provide spiritual guidance, and we strive hard to spread our lucidity.
Today, the Vietnamese people can speak the languages of all countries around the world, not only the Vietnamese language. The Vietnamese people is present in the free world as well as in the communist world.
So, what should the Vietnamese people do now? We must dedicate ourselves to spiritual cultivation, we must rectify ourselves, we must become more serene, more sophisticated!
We know that we have parents and ancestors, but do these people die? Why can we not see them?
We cannot see them because we have lost our equilibrium.
Now we cultivate ourselves spiritually, and once we attain equilibrium, we will see everything.
We have clearly seen the divine arrangement: We have to thank the hardships. Circumstances are our teacher and benefactor. The circumstances of the Vietnamese people are their teacher and benefactor.
The greater our hardships, the harder we have to think in order to find a path of liberation for everyone.
If the Vietnamese people can liberate themselves, the whole world will also liberate themselves.
We must abandon the calamities of haughtiness, arrogance, greed for fame, dependency!
We should return to serenity, patience and resignation.
We should spread harmony, compassion, empathy with all spheres, in order to achieve goodness and offer our positive contributions to humanity in the future.
We should not be too agitated by the life and death of the Vietnamese people. Our soul keeps learning whether we are alive or dead. We no longer fear death. We must act righteously. We must speak righteously. We must tell the truth. We should no longer be dependent and kowtow to others!
You arrived here with just a few clothes and empty hands.
But today, you have possessions, you have a house, so you can see your abilities.
Constrained by circumstances, we are able to rise and build positively.
If I am still in Vietnam, how can I become a doctor? I will remain uneducated.
But today, I have the opportunity to become a doctor, so I can be a doctor.
You did not expect to achieve your current profession. However, as you perfect yourselves spiritually, you will be surprised to see that your intelligence can be boundless.
Once you understand that the brain and body of a human are formed from the supernatural, you will realize that everyone has an infinite potential.
We will respect each other, we will admire each other, and we practice patience and resignation to learn among each other.
We should remember that we come overseas to learn and advance further. We should not become arrogant and regress, this should not happen!
We must learn to advance further.
Regardless of any religion on earth, we should strive to learn in order to understand what the truth is.
We must practice utmost patience and resignation in order to transform ourselves and evolve further. In contrast, to slander or to attack others will only cause restlessness in our minds.
We should not act in this way, but we must act in a serene way.
If all Vietnamese overseas equally practice goodness and benevolence, how will the world judge us?
We always cultivate the spirit of love and constructiveness.
Thus, Vô-Vi practitioners have dedicated themselves to spiritual practice. They accept to endure all hardships, all grieving states in their inner consciousness. They strive to perfect themselves spiritually and rectify their mistakes. They do not delude themselves. All Vô-Vi practitioners are making contributions from their hearts.
Vô-Vi friends from the executive committee in Brussels are all volunteering with sincerity, they do not receive any penny as salary, they donate their services and their wealth.
Why do we need to donate our services and our wealth in order to sit together?
If we hold to our riches and count our services, we will never be able to sit together.
The Brussels meditation center as well as all meditation centers around the world donate their services and their riches in order to have the opportunity to sit together.
At times, there were heated meetings, but people always appreciated each other. We compete to evolve further, we compete to advance in our spiritual training, we compete to awaken our consciousness, we compete to return to our serenity and abandon our agitation.
The law of the earthly world already exists, the law of the universe also exists.
Pure energy shines upon all beings, trees and grasses, fruits and plants. You see that each being has a distinct form and color, which cannot be changed.
This is the divine law. Humans live among the divine law but they do not know the divine law. They create the law of greed and passion, anger and infatuation, they cause sufferings to themselves unknowingly. They kill themselves without knowing it.
When they love each other, they say wonderful words, but when they argue, they fight each other, and make the family restless.
With this behavior, they tie themselves into a tree trunk, and they will not develop themselves.
Therefore, Vô-Vi practitioners must be fully aware that we have lost the law of equilibrium. We must return to the law of equilibrium. Then, we will always apply our compassionate heart, and we will make our positive contribution, so that everyone can evolve in a beautiful way.
We will create a good influence. When we make the most sacrifices, when we practice utmost patience and resignation, we lose nothing!