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Xem bài viết bằng Tiếng Việt

Lecture by Master Luong Si Hang - Vi Kien in Sydney, on June 18, 1989


The law of cause and effect:  The gate of Vô Vi

Vô Vi does not have any gate. It’s always open to all so that they may learn among brothers and sisters. But the law of cause and effect is the gate of Vo-Vi.

Worldly people who rob others should pay attention.

Those who enter Vô Vi with the scheme to rob others should remember this.

True spiritual adepts do not self-proclaim the title of “Master”.

A true Vô Vi practitioner uses his spiritual consciousness to communicate with other Vô Vi friends. They do not borrow the title of “Master” or “Father” to oppress others. Vô Vi does not accept these things. 

Compassion is the true root to enable changes

Whether we come or go, our soul remains solitary,

Awakening our spiritual consciousness, we advance on our own and cultivate the sacred land in our body.

Our heart is the sacred land. If we know how to treat others respectfully, how to be compassionate, how to be trustworthy, we are cultivating our land of blissfulness.

The true root to enable changes: This is the true spiritual heart.

Our heart is always righteous and we act righteously. We do not fear death.

When a person acts righteously, they can progress, learn, and ascend higher. Those people are truly rich people, and only these people can bring peace to all beings.

When we act, we must see our path clearly. We must go straight, and we should never pause and kowtow to anyone.

Our path must be righteous. We should always be transparent. We should not try to defraud each other, to harm each other, and to cheat our own selves.

Whether we come or go, our soul is solitary,

Awakening our consciousness, we advance on our own and cultivate the sacred land in our body.

The sacred land is our true spiritual heart. If we plant good seeds in our heart, we will harvest good results. If we plant evil seeds, we will harvest evil results.

When we are angry at someone, or hate someone, our face is already degraded!

When we plant a tree and it is withering, it means that the earth is poor; but if our heart is always open, we will plant a thriving tree.

The land of blissfulness: The land of blissfulness has succulent fruits. Why does a tree planted by the Queen of the Heavens (DIEU TRI KIM MAU) produce fruits which provide one thousand years longevity, but a tree planted by us produces fruits that cause diarrhea?

It means that our earth is not good. But what is this earth? It is our heart. If our heart is not good, if we do not treat others well, who will bear the consequences? We will!

If our heart is like the heart of a mouse, narrow and selfish, how can we plant good trees? If there is no mutual respect in treating each other, how can there be vital energy, how can we dissipate our hardships?

A person has periods of prosperity and penury. When we are prosperous, we would thrive economically, but when we are in a period of penury, we would become bankrupt. However, if our earth is not good, where can we take refuge? 

Therefore, many rich people eventually commit suicide. On the other hand, as Vô Vi adepts, we practice patience, we close our eyes, we practice Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat, we know our path.