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Extract From Seminar 1 - Q&A Session - At the Vi-Kien Meditation Center in Arrowhead, California, on 16 April 1986

Question: What is karma of heart? Why can spiritual energy release the karma of heart?

Answer by Master Vi-Kien 

The karma of heart is generated by the four sense organs: Our eyes, nose, ears, mouth take in from the external world and keep it inside. For example, I hate someone, or I am mad at someone, or I love someone, all these are karmas. 

These feelings bind me more and more each day. Now, how can I liberate myself?

Why can only spiritual energy release it? What is spiritual energy?

Spiritual energy is the soul in our body. When the soul awakens, it detaches itself to ascend higher. When we turn toward the World Above, we will no longer be tied by our intransigence and infatuation. Our intransigence and infatuation cause the karma of heart, i.e., sufferings.

For example, I love this girl, but she doesn't love me, so I can neither sleep nor eat, I suffer. Do you see it?

I want to prosper my business, but I cannot, so I am shackled. Why do I want to prosper? To buy cars, high rise buildings, my ambitions are shackling me.

They are binding me more and more each day, and generate the karma of heart.

We suffer without knowing it. 

How to prove that this is suffering? For example, this guy is a rich man, at first, he vowed to earn fifty thousand dollars. Now he earns one hundred thousands, even a million. But he keeps chasing his goal, he is being pulled into a whirlwind, and unable to free himself.

We can only free ourselves by using spiritual energy.

What is energy? Concentration!

Do you see that his abilities are now dependent on his four sense organs?

Once he collides with worldly matters that cause him even greater sufferings, he would turn to spiritual perfection. At that time, he would say "No, I don't want to look at that business. When hearing about opening a restaurant, he would be scared. He would be scared too, when hearing about a new dancing bar, and even about a new car. At that time, he will turn within.

He turns within to perfect himself spiritually. When he cultivates himself spiritually, he can't speak to anyone, because all are busy with their businesses. So he would only invoke the mantra Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat in silence. The path of spiritual development is the silent invocation of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat inside our inner consciousness in order to review our own mistakes.

We think of the teachings of Buddha when practicing the silent invocation. When we practice regularly, we will attain concentration. We will think constantly about the original principle of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat. By practicing the silent invocation continuously, we will be able to concentrate our energy.

Once we are able to concentrate, we will have spiritual energy. When our energy communicates with the energy of the World Above, we will feel light.

If we turn toward the external world, we will feel heavier each day. 

But if we turn inward, we will feel lighter each day.

To turn inward means to ascend higher.

Only spiritual energy can release karma.

Why do Vô Vi practitioners use spiritual energy to release their karma of heart?

Because they have accepted to practice meditation. They do the exercise of Concentration of Spiritual Energy. Similarly, the businessman needs to cudgel his brains, he has to suffer a lot, he has to take care of innumerable things, finally, he becomes overstressed and turns to spiritual perfection.

We practice the Concentration of Energy to force ourselves to open the flux of energy on the top of our head. We also use the exercise of Cyclical Breathing Without Retention, since we can't talk to anyone. We can't talk to anyone about our failures. We only breathe the pure energy of Heaven and Earth to open our five inner organs, instead of imprisoning ourselves into a routine of constantly following the events, and becoming more and more depressed each day.

If you say, "My husband scolds me so badly, I can't stand it."

"He insults even my parents, and so on..."

You will tie yourself more and more each day, your anger mounts each day, you become more and more entangled and obscured.

This is suffering! This is Karma!

Now we practice meditation and the Cyclical Breathing Without Retention will release our anger, because this breathing will bring the pure energy of the whole universe.

The Concentration of Spiritual Energy is also pure energy inside our inner organs,

When it projects out, it will connect with the pure energy from the World Above,

at that time, our true soul will unify with this energy. Only then, will we be able to release our karma.

Therefore, the Vô-Vi people already practice the exercise of Concentration of Energy. They already practice the Cyclical Breathing Without Retention. Now they only need to spend some more efforts to focus on the center top of the head to connect directly with the center of life energy of the Universe, then they will enjoy right here at the center top.

The center top of the head is related to the center of life energy of the universe.

Therefore, you can feel a light pull at this point when it is advancing toward the other center point. When you have unblocked the central point on top of the head, you will only go straight upward. You will not oscillate left and right.

Profane people who practice spiritual cultivation are not aware of it.

They have installed too many statues, so they keep bowing from one statue to the other.

When they enter the Buddhist temple, they would bow in front of all 15 statues.

When they go home, they feel energized. Why so? Do you see it? They have done some exercise. They bow down then stand up. At home, they never want to bow to anyone. When entering the Buddhist temple, they become fearful, so they bow down. After bowing in a row, they feel energized. This is exercise only, they do not attain salvation.

As days and months pass, they would see that they could be more relaxed in choosing to retreat in a temple. At home, they are constantly assailed by various issues. They would shave their head and stay in the Buddhist temple to cultivate themselves spiritually.

They feel healthier with the vegetarian diet. Why healthier?

Before, they ate meat and were agitated, now they eat a vegetarian diet, and there is no friend to persuade them to go gambling.

So, nothing is enticing them, they feel lighter, but their true consciousness is not light. We can only lighten our true consciousness by practicing the Vô-Vi method.

We can perceive our energy vibrating with the whole universe.We see that our spiritual consciousness is developing. We can understand the other person, even though they have not spoken yet; we would know a great part of it.

We can understand the main idea. We can sympathize with the other person.

Why can we sympathize with the other person? The cosmos represents us, we are the cosmos, one entity. As we develop ourselves spiritually, we will harmonize with the cosmos. So, who is the other person? Just a microcosm.

We can harmonize and understand them easily, it's not difficult. We open up, while the other person is shutting himself off.

Therefore, when a Vô Vi practitioner talks with a non-practitioner, they like to listen to us after a while.

Because we are used to open up, and we will lead them.

When our energy is unblocked, the other person also receives our good energy.

And our energy also lifts them upward.

Therefore, Vô Vi means that lifting the energy up, not invading. To invade is wrong, to lift up is right.

For those advanced practitioners who have spiritual energy and clean spiritual roots, 

can the Immortals send their energy to them? Yes, they can. Can the Buddhas send their energy to them? Yes, they can.

From the World Above, they only need to shine their divine energy, because these people have clean spiritual roots. Since they devote themselves to spiritual perfection on earth, their roots are clean in the upper world.

From the World Above, the Immortals only need to illuminate them a little, then these people will feel the pull of energy, and they will get up to work.

They will work on pure and noble tasks, not reckless tasks. Nothing obscure and dark. 

Therefore, a Vô-Vi practitioner has attained lightness in this area.

Even though you are not yet able to travel by soul before your death, you will be lifted by the Divine Beings if you happen to die in an accident. It will be easier for you than for those who do not yet cultivate themselves spiritually, and do not yet know how to improve and develop their inner organs.

With this method of meditation, you will improve and develop your inner organs.

You will reside at a different energy level, and you will be saved more easily. It will be very difficult for the other people.

At the time of death, they cannot differentiate between black and white, they don't have a path, so their soul and body may be annihilated.