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Xem bài viết bằng Tiếng Việt

16 February 1995

(Extract from the Writings of Baby Tám - 1995)

Question: What should one do if one constantly faces adversities in life?

Answer: When one encounters constant adversities in life, this is an opportunity for the practitioner to return to serenity on his own. He should analyze the trials and tribulations of life in order to cultivate himself spiritually. He should not be sad and reproach anyone, since it will only cause sufferings to himself unknowingly. He wrongly believes that his argumentation is correct. If he stubbornly holds to his position, his soul will never be able to evolve. He wrongly believes that he has attained lucidity, but in fact, his mind has never been lucid.


When one does not understand the deep divine compassion, it is difficult to have a lucid mind.

Through adversities, one awakens one’s consciousness and dedicates oneself to spiritual practice, advancing silently on one’s own,

The most important is to develop one’s mind and achieve lucidity,

Practicing the righteous dharma, one will resolve one’s errors.