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Vo-Vi Practitioner:
Dear Master, I see that lately you have often talked about "Commitment, Sacrifice, Spiritual Merit". Please explain to us more clearly about this subject.

Answer by Master Vi-Kien:

Commitment: Do you clearly see now that you have a soul?

Your mouth is talking, but your soul is directing your mouth, in order for you to speak with me.

It's the same with me. I am talking and exchanging my views with you. Your soul is imprisoned in this body, so you are already committed. According to the law of the universe, you agreed to become a human, thus you are now a human Do you see it? You made a commitment.

But within yourself, there are many unorderly things. If you do not sacrifice your clutter, how can you return to order and achieve spiritual merit?

The path is very clear: Commitment, sacrifice, achieving spiritual merit. Order means spiritual merit. Do you see it?

You see that you already made a commitment. You are engaged in this body, which generates karma. You marry a wife, raise many children, all are karmas.

You keep facing an unending flow of happenings, like a big ocean. Now that you are committed, you have to be fully committed, you cannot untie it.

If you are able to release the entanglements, if you are able to sacrifice your bad character and bad habits, then your family, your wife and children will live within order, and your family will become a family with spiritual merit.

When you know how to plant a flower, it will bloom beautifully. If you do not know how to plant a flower, it will wither away. Do you understand?

This is the truth that we need to learn in order to advance spiritually, and this is very realistic as it must be done by each family. If your wife does something bad, people will say "This is the wife of Mr. Xuan." Isn't it true?

If she happens to cheat people, they will say, "This is the fault of the wife of Mr. Xuan"... they will blame you first. Do you see it?

Therefore, you must be committed. They will blame Mr. Xuan for everything. The child of Mr. Xuan, the dog of Mr. Xuan, they will only insult Mr. Xuan. Do you see it?

Therefore, I am fully committed. There is not a single minute where people would not slander me.

You see that the more people insult me, the more I look brightened, the more I can learn.

When the father perfects himself spiritually, but his child does not, they would insult me. When the child perfects himself spiritually, but the father does not, they would also insult me.

Who knows? They suspect that Mr. Tám is practicing a malevolent method, so they would slander me.

People have a right to slander. About all kinds of things. There is not a single minute where people would stop insulting. But the Lord Buddha and God are receiving heavier insults than me. Because the Lord Buddha and God are known by billions of people, while Mr. Tám is only known by a few, not many. Do you see it?

But in the future, in a few thousand years, Mr. Tám will receive even heavier insults.

Therefore, each day, we must commit ourselves with more strength, more courage, and more serenity, then we will be able to elevate ourselves higher.

Don't be afraid. What we have undertaken, we must complete it fully.

If we advance, we must advance to reach our goal. We should not be discouraged.

Whether alive or dead, we keep learning. So, we neither fear life nor death.

While alive, we learn the law of borrowing and payback, and we also learn the law of borrowing and payback when dead. That's all! In order to evolve further, right?

You can say: “Now, I am afraid of death, so I pray to be alive”.

But what is the purpose of life? While alive, we learn how to borrow and pay back, and when dead, we also learn how to borrow and pay back.

This is an indisputable law of evolution, where everything has been planned, so we no longer fear death.

Only when you no longer fear death, birth, rebirth, and reincarnations, then you will truly be committed to save humanity. We must be fearless. Regardless of their threats, we keep going forward, we explain to other people so that they may awaken their consciousness. This is sufficient.

Even if they fire on us, this is an opportunity for us to learn to ascend higher, because our will aims at evolution, and not regression. Do you see it?

Many people say, why I am so hard-headed, and do not fear anything. It’s because I clearly see that life and death are the same. People see that life and death are different, so they are afraid and worried.

In contrast, I see that life and death are the same, so there is nothing to worry about.

If people want to strangle me to death, I will go somewhere else to learn new lessons.

There is nothing for me to worry about.

To understand God, we must understand that life and death are instantaneous.

Within life, there is death, within death, there is life, the cycle runs continuously, without stopping.

The whole universe, this is the law of the universe.

Do you see it? This is the law of the universe.

On this earth, things are slow, but in the World above, things are very fast.

Life and death alternate to produce an aura of energy.

Here, on earth, a blade of grass needs a certain number of days or months to wither slowly, before dying.

Same for a flower, it takes more time than in the World Above.

In the World Above, life and death are continuous in order to generate light.

Our mind is always faster than our feet. Do you understand this point? Our feet are slower.

The law of the universe resides inside your microcosm, inside your physical body. What’s the need to search somewhere else? Birth, maturity, decay, destruction; life, death, rebirth, reincarnation.

This is the law of evolution: When you eat a food, this is birth, when you chew it, this is death, followed by reincarnation, when it ascends and gives you fresh knowledge. It has condensed its energy above and progressed further. It has cooperated with you, and it now lives within you. Then it will undergo rebirth, then death again.

In our body, the circle of reincarnations, birth and rebirth, runs continuously, to open our mind.

When our mind is fully enlightened, we will see that there is only one state.

At that stage, life and death are the same, and we will no longer fear it.

We will resolutely abandon our anxieties, and there is nothing to worry about. We worry because we fear death, and it causes anxiety. After death, we do not know where to go, so we become fearful.

Now, we learn while alive, but we also learn when dead.

No one can invent a human being, and God has established everything. We do not need to worry.