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How to liberate from one’s evil karma?
Lecture by Master Luong Si Hang – Vi Kien in Dallas, 8 November 1987

 Where does evil karma come from?

It is caused by the loss of equilibrium, do you understand?

When you were a soldier, you thought that the enemy was very evil. You had to subdue them, so you automatically contributed to the impure energy.

When they fought you, they generated impure energy. When you advanced toward this impure world, it would pull you in, so you naturally lost your equilibrium.

Your consciousness is always restless and sobbing. You want to destroy your opponents, but what will you achieve? Eventually, we did not see clearly that only our own power of equilibrium would resolve equitably both sides. Isn’t it correct?

Today, you have found the Vo-Vi method, so that you can return to your own order and equilibrium, through the silent invocation of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat and understanding its principle. You remember to curl your tongue, incisors against incisors, and mentally invoke Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat. You are drinking the sacred medicine to cure your mental illness first, then your evil karma will not develop further.

When you practice the silent invocation of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat, everything is balanced. When you mentally invoke Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat, you think about your whole body, i.e., the twelve viscera, so that they also practice with you. You are not alone in your body. Your soul is the master, but your twelve viscera work with you like 12 live saints. In addition, we have the five organs, heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys. Each organ possesses 250 disciples, in total, there are 1250 disciples who follow you. If you turn to the World Above, they will ascend accordingly. They will become lighter. In the contrary, if you turn downward toward intransigence and rivalry, they will rush to follow you. But they will control you more and more each day and pull you into intransigence and rivalry, which will neither benefit you nor anyone else. Do you see it?

Now, you return to the original principle of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat, and you realize the importance of the vibrations of the whole universe. If the universe does not provide the pure and light vibrations, we cannot have light. You see that this lamp has two lines touching each other to produce a very strong vibration. This results into light, do you see it? We need light in order to videotape the event.

However, if your two meridians are going in the wrong direction, you will feel very miserable. When it hurts, you follow your pain, when there is joy, you follow the joy. So, you lose your equilibrium. Joy and sadness are the same, only then will you attain equilibrium. Life and death are the same, only then will you be a true hero with a righteous heart. You will see that life and death are the same. Currently, you have a heavy karma, which means that you are evolving on the spiritual path. Your body is hurting, and you feel world-weary. So, where do you go? Aren’t you turning toward spirituality?

You turn toward spirituality. So, you met Mrs. Kim. She talked about spirituality, you accepted her words, so, you are returning to the spiritual path! But you must continue on the spiritual path by practicing the silent invocation of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat to benefit from its vibrations: NAM = Fire, MO = Air, A = Water, DI = Spiritual development, DA = Aura, PHAT = Spiritual Consciousness. When the vibrations in your organism are balanced, you have cured your mental illness. When your mind has attained balance, your body will be less ill. You are the nearest and the only doctor for your body. If your mind and will are resolute to advance toward infinity, your current pain is not significant!

When you are on the battlefield, you say to yourself: “Even if half of my body dies, I must kill the enemy.” Isn’t it true? But when half of your body is ill and you lament about the pain, how can you see your soul? At that time, your energy and courage were dominating. Now if you understand your soul, you must use this energy and courage to attain spiritual salvation. You will see that you have wandered aimlessly through innumerable reincarnations on this earth.

You eat the meat from animals. You see their sufferings. They want to sacrifice themselves to become a human being. A vegetable has to undergo hundreds of cuts, but it also wants to sacrifice itself to become a human being. As humans, we have the opportunity to become an Immortal or a Buddha. A Buddha is a human who has achieved enlightenment. Why does a human not succeed? Because they hold to their evil karma, they hold to their karma of heart. The karma of heart is animosity, jealousy and hatred, infatuations and intransigence. All these build the karma of heart, and they spread more and more each day, such that your heart is restless and you are unable to develop yourself spiritually. 

Now, when you practice the mental invocation of Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat, you will open up. The vibrations in your body will become balanced: Metal returns to metal, wood returns to wood, water returns to water, earth returns to earth. They will relate to the vibrations of the universe and unify with them. You will realize that you and the universe are One. If you do not have the pure energy of Heaven and Earth, how can you be alive? All people in this room cannot survive if they do not have the pure energy of God and the Buddhas. Similarly, if we do not have the motherly love within ourselves, how can we be alive? What is it? This is the Dollar. The Divine Mother, the Golden Mother is the dollar. With the dollar, you can buy this and that, this is the love of a mother. Whatever the child wishes to have, the mother gives it to him. Do you see it?

When you understand the true root of all matters, and have attained a thorough comprehension, you will return to calmness, and you will see yourself in other people. Thanks to the karma of your body, you have the opportunity to evolve spiritually and return to your spiritual origin. In the future, you will see the faces of your true Divine Father and Mother in Heaven. You are not a person that can be fabricated on earth.

Even though you are handicapped, even though your legs are hurting, is there any company capable of fabricating a person like you? There is no scientist capable of making a person like you! So, you can see that you are infinite, you are eternal, but you must learn your lessons.

In the past, we have hurt others, so now, we are hurt in return, this is correct. In the past, I have swindled money from others, now, I am defrauded, this is correct. I have nothing to worry about, isn’t it true? If I don’t live in this scenario, I will live in a different scenario. But I know that my soul is eternal, so I no longer cheat others, and I will no longer cheat my own self. I am the person who has cheated myself the most. I have used my courage and energy wrongly. I thought that my courage and energy could destroy all enemies, but this is wrong! I am the person who destroys myself. Now, I return to my true nature, I am now lively, I save myself and save others. Both parties are saved, instead of both will die. What is more advantageous? You use your energy and courage to ascend toward the heavenly sphere, the universe. When your three inner spheres: lower, middle, higher are unified, it means that you have released your karma of heart. You will feel an infinite happiness.

You see that humans are walking in the dark forest of wrongdoings, but they continue to kill each other, and they also kill themselves. They are clearly cheating themselves. Even though the door of hell is closed, they willingly pull themselves downward, i.e., they kill themselves because of their angry character. Their anger generates ignorance, stupidity, and they harm themselves unknowingly. Therefore, no one on earth has seen their sins clearly, and no one is able to impose the law of heaven.

I have explained to you for a while already. The law of Heaven is ingrained in the miracle which is our human body. We hold this physical body which contains all the laws of actions and reactions in order to awaken our spiritual consciousness. We have to thank this body. In our youth, we were strong and courageous, but in our old age, we are full of moderation. All actions come from our body, not from someone else. In our youth, it says: “Go ahead, go, go, go.” Now, in old age, it says: “Oh, stop, stop, stop.” This is the same body. Do you see it? Therefore, we understand the heavenly law. We understand the law thoroughly, and we stand in a position of balance in order to ascend higher. Only then will we be able to truly release our evil karma. As far as our family and children are concerned, we see clearly that they must follow their path. They must follow that path, then they will awaken themselves. As the head of household, as a parent, we must build a noble and lively example, we must turn toward spirituality, so that our children know that there still exists a sphere of deliverance. This is the most fortunate and happiest thing that can happen, if a family knows how to return to their spiritual origin.

We do not have earthly parents only. The earthly parents are symbolic. They represent a lesson, so that we have the opportunity to awaken our consciousness to evolve higher. We must recognize our true parents that we have missed trillions of years, since we have completely transformed ourselves.  Now, when speaking of God, there are people who love Him and others who hate Him. But when they face sufferings and loneliness, they would exclaim: “Oh My God!” in the silent night. The soldiers at the frontier were marching loudly with their guns. But at the hour of solitude and disorientation, they would sit and cry: “Oh My God!”, a single cry in the empty night… At that time, they would know that God is within their heart. But God is never far from us. Our Divine Father is never far from us, our Divine Mother is never far from us. They are within us!  To have a physical body means to have a Divine Mother, to have love. Therefore, today, once we have discovered this truth, we must fully utilize the weapon of compassionate love to treat each other. There must be compassionate love among humans. If we do not have compassionate love, we only cheat ourselves and we will bring no benefit to anyone in the future.