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Lecture by Master Luong Si Hang – Vi Kien
Extract from Seminar 3 – Q&A Session 5 April 1986 –
« Vi-Kien » Meditation Center
The Love of the Lord encompasses everything, and God does not abandon us. Why should one cause agitation and upheavals?
Question: If we remain patient to seek harmony, and accept to be squeezed aside, won’t it cause an adverse reaction and bring more agitation than before? How do we resolve such a situation?
Answer: Not at all! The person who is patient and harmonious is the one who will restore order in the family. If you hit your wife when she scolds you, this will cause chaos. We must be patient, since we see that all these happenings are a precious gift from God, and we will restore order to the whole family, so that it will be better than before.
Currently, we are not yet able to resolve the situation. If we speak angrily, our family will not be peaceful. If we are patient, we will not destroy the family and we will preserve peace. We will then clearly see the love of God.
The Love of the Lord encompasses everything, and God does not abandon us. Why should one cause agitation and upheavals? If we argue back, it will cause greater agitation. We remain patient to decrease the agitation. Through our virtue of patience and resignation, we will influence our partners, and they will change from being angry to being benevolent. This is a spiritual method to save ourselves and others.
This is the same for a nation, or a country. What is called a nation? All of us govern a country, whether a soldier or a citizen, we all have our own microcosm. We all have our own nation, but we are unaware of it. We focus on fighting to invade a country, then we kill each other in a senseless manner. In reality, everyone should be conscious of the proper path. We all are currently governing our own country, but we are not capable of governing it correctly. So how can we demand to govern a bigger country? It will only lead us to selfishness, destruction, and we will eventually kill ourselves unknowingly. Do you see it? Therefore, a spiritual adept must know: Even a prime minister must devote himself to spiritual cultivation. Even a 5-star general must devote himself to spiritual cultivation. Why does he cultivate himself spiritually? Is he a fool? Doesn’t he know how to fight the enemy? Doesn’t he know how to give orders? He can easily do it, but he sees that what he was doing for several years does not bring any benefit. It does neither bring any benefit to himself nor to anyone else, and he was not able to kill anyone.
Births and rebirths continue within the whole universe and multiply more and more each day. But this is the order of mankind, and he sees that compassionate love is more lasting. Therefore, he has chosen to devote himself to spiritual cultivation, i.e., he will live within the order of mankind, in harmony with the Divine Will in the universe. He will return to true knowledge, instead of giving orders carelessly like in the past without proper knowledge and killing people irresponsibly. Now, he has responsibilities. He is responsible for governing his own Microcosm. He wants to help the development of his 6 sensorial roots and 6 sensations. He was unaware of all the sentient beings within himself. He ignored them and constantly let them participate in his battles. Eventually, they were completely ravaged by war, and even his soul had no place to reside. Eventually, when his body disintegrates at death, his soul has no place to reside. So, his consciousness awakens more and more each day. He sees the war-torn scenery, the reports, and he no longer thinks about destructions and killings. Therefore, he stops these actions, but he is working on a greater task. He will save both parties, instead of killing one and saving one. This is an instant transformation! He realizes that even if he kills his friend, his friend is not dead, because his soul remains. How can I kill that soul? I am not capable of doing it!
Hell exists to report to humans that the souls must redeem their sins after death. At their funerals, a large crowd is attending, their funeral procession goes through numerous streets, drums and trumpets are played to honor them, but where do they go? They would go to hell, even though they thought they would go to heaven. Therefore, today, these souls are suffering and come back to report their misery to humans. We have a Microcosm, an orderly microcosm in harmony with the universe. But we do not know how to utilize this order. If we do not return to this order, we are disorderly people. Do you see it? Therefore, your current path is the path of supernatural science. You will discover your own true root. However, if you do not know how to enjoy this opportunity and practice properly, you will lose that true nature, and you will be pulled into the same agitation like everyone else. You will also lament and suffer, and you will only keep crying. Many people descend to Hell, but they only keep crying. They knew it, but they refused to perfect themselves spiritually. They knew that on earth, there were spiritual lectures, people achieved enlightenment, people reached a higher spiritual level, but they refused to participate. They scorned them. If they did not follow their hot temper, they would be the winner now. They would return to their true nature. However, they held to their profane character, and have to suffer now.
What are humans holding to on this earth? They hold to possessions, a car, a villa, and so on... All these things will return to nothingness in the future. On the other hand, what you are learning here will return to something that exists forever, which is your soul. How can we prove it? You can understand through your dreams. If your soul is not eloquent and lively, how do you know that you have gone to this place, or met this person? In our group, there are people who have had dreams, and let’s not even talk about traveling by soul. This proves that your soul descends from the 33rd level in heaven to this earth to unite with this microcosm. Isn’t your soul lucid? It can understand more than what you tell it. However, the body does not understand anything. When you pinch your body, it knows that it is hurt, but once you are dead, and your soul has departed your body, the body does not know that it is hurt when pinched. It does not understand.
Therefore, through these experiments, what do we see? We see that our consciousness, our true image has no form. It is formless, and completely different from this ugly face. Now, when I say that your face is ugly, you may get angry, but if you take a microscope to analyze it, you will see that your face is hideous and dirty. At that time, you will no longer dare to see your own face. Just try to look at your face through a microscope. It looks like a jungle, without any order! But what is orderly? Your consciousness. Your spiritual consciousness is ORDER. The more you perfect yourselves spiritually, the more you will see the order. You will see your procrastination, your tardiness, your laziness, your dependency, your lack of lucidity. Once you devote yourselves to spiritual perfection, you will see that a patient person is a smart person. The Guanyin Boddhisattva must practice patience in order to attain enlightenment, so that she may be able to save her country and her people. Do you see it? The Shakyamuni Buddha must practice extreme patience and resignation in order to save his country and his people. It was a clear spiritual revolution since thousands of years, but no one has discovered the secret.
Today, those who are world-weary choose to devote themselves to spiritual perfection. We have undergone many reincarnations. Our bodies were torn apart, we were beaten, we were killed, but then we are reborn, and we keep perfecting ourselves spiritually. Even if we are killed in this lifetime, we still keep perfecting ourselves spiritually, since we must continue our spiritual cultivation in the next life. Our potential is spiritual development. We are yearning for it, and even after our death and rebirth, we keep searching for the spiritual path!
This is guaranteed to happen! Eventually, there is no better profession. If you say that you are fulfilling your filial duties, how do you do it?
If you do not dedicate yourselves to spiritual cultivation, you will not achieve enlightenment, you will not achieve soul liberation. You won’t be able to return to your old homeland, from where you have departed, and where Your Divine Father and Divine Mother reside. If you do not return to that place, how can you fulfill your filial duties? Only through spiritual perfection will you be able to resolve all matters. Only through spiritual perfection will you be able to pay back all your karmic debts. Once we achieve purity and lightness through our spiritual cultivation, we only need a few words to awaken the consciousness of those who seek us because of their sufferings.
They would say: I am so depressed with this life, and I want to commit suicide. At that time, you will explain to them calmly: Where they come from, where they will go. If they commit suicide, they will destroy the supernatural organism granted by the Lord. They will be imprisoned and be completely lost. If they know the principle that seven eons of years are necessary to form this miraculous body, no one will be such a fool to commit suicide. Also, we can guarantee that no one can kill you, since your soul is eternal, so why should you commit suicide? At that time, they will naturally change their way of thinking. They will be liberated and no longer dependent. They will no longer fear being killed, and they only fear their ignorance and not knowing how to utilize their existing abilities, which are compassionate love and spiritual virtue, how to practice love and forgiveness. Therefore, our words can save thousands of beings, they can aid people to escape from the yoke of infinite sufferings. It is such a blessing when people are aware that this body is precious, and they would happily live with their bodies, until their last breath, in order to learn about spirituality and seek the Truth from the World Above.
Many people try to devote themselves to spiritual training, but when they meet the spiritual master, he did not even look at them. When they meet their spiritual teacher, he would only criticize them. So, they become sad, and some even commit suicide. This is the fault of people who lack lucidity. However, if people lack lucidity, one should warmly encourage them with love and remind everyone to understand themselves and not to be dependent upon a master. We are all descending on earth and going on the same path within the consciousness of equality. So, why would we create differentiations?
We must love each other. The early spiritual adepts must show compassion to people after them, they must tell others how to develop themselves and show how they can illuminate their own lanterns and march on their own. Otherwise, these people are very aimless, they are very miserable, they have their own light, but they don’t know how to turn them on. Where to find the raw materials to illuminate my own lantern? Today, you already possess the raw materials. When you mentally invoke the mantra Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat, you are using the raw materials of the whole universe to light your own lantern. The gigantic fire stove of The Lord is ready to serve you, the fire energy is flowing abundantly in all aspects to bring you salvation and progress, helping to illuminate your consciousness. When you mentally invoke Nam-Mo-A-Di-Da-Phat and once your consciousness is focused, your inner light will shine instantly. At that time, you will realize that Our Divine Father has made innumerable sacrifices for us, while we were only betraying Him. If we recognize our faults and repent our sins, the World Above will exonerate our sins. We are truly sinful, we are a sinful and incomplete soul, we are still intransigent and belligerent, we are still angry, passionate, agitated, we still require a high social status,but once we have attained a high position, what do we do next?
As I have already explained, many people became business owners, but they still have to devote themselves to spiritual cultivation. Even a high-ranking official must eventually cultivate himself spiritually. They abandon all their positions to devote themselves to spiritual training. Why? Because they realize that their work is futile. They must abandon it, in order to develop what is worthy, infinite and eternal. Therefore, they must choose the spiritual path, and they will naturally abandon the material path. However, does this scenario repeat in social life? Certainly. If you throw away your walking cane, others who need them will use them. We are all marching on the same path to return to our true origin. We have to undergo unending waves of trials and tribulations in order to awaken our spiritual consciousness. If we do not endure karmic retributions, we will not know our true values. A grain of sand has to endure unlimited trials in order to become a glass. Similarly, if we want to achieve enlightenment, we have to endure many trials. This is necessary in order for us to advance and evolve further. Therefore, we should always return love for hatred, practice patience and harmony, and be resolute.