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Q&A SESSION – Forgetting and Remembering in Vo-Vi - LECTURE BY MASTER VI-KIEN

When we remember earthly affairs, it makes us suffer a lot. In contrast, when we are pure and light, we will thoroughly understand these earthly affairs.

Question: Dear Master, if one forgets often, is it good or bad?

Answer by Master Vi-Kien: 

To forget is good, otherwise if you remember many things in social life, it will only lead to gossiping, which is useless. After a while, once your brains have been totally cleansed, you will remember in a different way, in a more sublime way.

You will remember the root of all matters. When you look at something, you will remember the root of all matters.

You will go through a period where you must forget everything. You forget everything to restore calmness to your consciousness. This is a way to cure your mental illness. When one remembers things in a disorderly manner, one will incur a mental illness.

For example, your child has to remember many things when going to school. He has to remember so many things that he could become crazy. But if he wants to have the highest grade in school, he has to suffer like that. Do you see it?

On the other hand, we want to return to our inner order. Nothing is worth remembering. We forget these things! We forget the earthly emotions, we forget all. However, after a while, once we are able to focus our spiritual energy, we will remember everything.  We remember with whom we have played as a child We remember who has spoken abusive words to us. We remember everything. We are watching our own movie again. At that time, we will see more. At first, we are looking at a blank television screen. Do you understand? As we purify ourselves further and restore our equilibrium, we will see images. At that time, we have restored our order. When we push a button, we will see the image description clearly.

People on earth are crazy. They are not smart. However, God knows how to cure this craziness. When you practice the Concentration of Spiritual Energy, you will forget everything after a while. You will forget everything, then after having all forgotten, you will restore your equilibrium, and you will see the past images in an orderly manner. 

For example, I am visiting this house now. Then many years after my visit, if you ask me again, I will remember everything because I am able to arrange things in an orderly manner. However, I was unable to do so in the past. In the past, I had to write down what I needed to do: What to do at 8am. What to do at 9am. What to do at 10am. I could not remember. Now, I have gone through this stage. In the past, I was still intransigent and infatuated, I liked gossiping, I liked talking about business and money matters. Now, I have forgotten all these things. My mind returns to philosophy, followed by insight, and I can clearly feel my detachment.

For example, I have been talking for a while. What I see in this house, the order in this house, the people in this house, I can talk about it all. When you listen again, you can hear a part of your own story. I can see it naturally. In the past, when I talked, after a few words, I knew that it was not correct. I was not able to talk in an orderly manner like I do now. I was not able to write poems easily. In the past, I had no order, no self-discipline. However, after a period of spiritual perfection, I would go through the stage of forgetfulness. Once the purification is over, I can remember easily. And I will not lose these memories. I remember within serenity! In the state of meditative contemplation, there is serenity. 

Earthly people say that we are in a sleepy state. However, when we reach the state of meditative contemplation, we are serene. We understand all matters, i.e., we achieve serenity within the state of contemplation. It’s good to go through the period of forgetting, then later on you will regain your youth. When people look at our face, we look young because we do not pay attention to external affairs. When we worry, when we are angry, our face looks different. But when we are happy, we will forget and detach ourselves slowly. We are lessening our karma of heart. We will even forget harmful words people utter to us. In the past, when someone tells bad things about us, we will keep repeating them, and we remember them for many years. Eventually, it will harm our nervous system. Now we forget these things, and we will be reborn with something new. When we speak, we open our consciousness, we talk about philosophy, we speak wise words and we talk about spirituality.

With the Vô Vi method, we advance rapidly and we must achieve results. If we perfect ourselves spiritually, but are unable to improve our nervous system, then what’s the need for spiritual perfection? If the more we cultivate ourselves spiritually, the more we delve into other people’s affairs, what’s the need for spiritual perfection? When we remember earthly affairs, it makes us suffer a lot. In contrast, when we are pure and light, we will thoroughly understand these earthly affairs.