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Xem bài viết bằng Tiếng Việt

Question: Dear Master, in Vietnam as well as overseas, a number of people often say that the Vô Vi Meditation Method is superstitious, because it stresses the ability of the human being to travel by the soul thanks to spiritual cultivation. Please explain to us.

Answer by Master Vi-Kien:

Superstition is a habit in Vietnam. I am also a Vietnamese, and from a young age to adult, I did not take any Western medicine to cure illnesses, but instead, I drank potions made from the burnt incenses in prayers to the saints for help. That is superstition. Later on, after I practiced the Vô Vi method, I discovered that the energy of my organism is related to the energy of the whole universe. I saw that I came from the sphere of emptiness, and I must return to emptiness. There is no denial to this truth. Therefore, I practice and cultivate myself spiritually with great dedication. There is only one path: one comes from emptiness and must return to emptiness. Only then, will one attain enlightenment. In Vietnam, people say that I am superstitious, Vô Vi is superstitious, because they are not able to see themselves. Instead, they are nosy about the affairs of others, and tell lies to make people become superstitious. As a result, people's minds remain ignorant, the country cannot develop in a healthy manner, people only harm each other and refuse to build and progress together in order to harmonize with the universe. How can we be strong and prosperous? They claim to be heroes, but they do not know about their souls, so they are extremely weak. Only our soul represents righteousness, our soul is truly eternal. If we dare to make sacrifices to save ourselves and help everyone, then we will transform our country to become strong and prosperous.