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Loving and Yearning for His Children 

(Extract Audio Lecture by Master Vĩ Kiên, "Nhớ Thương Con", Manila, 29.08.1979)

A love in accordance with the original principle which is our guiding rule,

With self-practice and self-progress, we will connect to the World Above,

A love in accordance with the original principle which is our guiding rule:

A compassionate love with lucidity, not a blind love, no abandonment after love, in contrast, an everlasting love.

With self-practice and self-progress, we will connect to the World Above: All matters come from the will of the Divine Father, to let us learn in order to return to our true nature. O My Children, you are Me, I am you. You must practice and advance by your own efforts in order to be able to connect with Me. If you keep depending on Me, how can you advance?

Once enlightened, our soul and astral body will travel easily,

Loving His Children, The Divine Father guides them back to Heaven,

When we practice spiritual perfection and are able to attain the heavenly level, our soul and astral body will become enlightened, and they can travel easily.

Loving His Children, The Divine Father guides them back to Heaven:

At that time, the Divine Father will shine upon us His compassion. He will beam his aura, so that His children will see the path to return to their old homeland.

He explains the complexity of spiritual precepts,

So that His children understand clearly and abandon their evil hearts.

Our Divine Father explains what the Truth is, what our true nature is, while the earthly world only gives us temporary lessons at the beginner's level. Once we are able to ascend higher, we will see the direction of our Divine Father, how He plans our path to guide us.

So that His children understand clearly and abandon their evil hearts:

We should not do wrong. We should develop ourselves to advance further,

instead of preserving our interests and regressing. O My children, you descend on earth and proclaim to perfect yourselves spiritually, to learn all kinds of things.

But you still want to protect yourselves, you refuse to change and purify yourselves to advance further, in order to spread a good influence on every sphere, everywhere. Therefore, you only stay put, and cannot make progress.

The Divine Love is profound and marvelous,

Your consciousness needs to progress with determination to avoid errors and wrongdoings.

The profound Divine Love is always open to welcome you, O My children.

Your consciousness needs to progress with determination to avoid errors and wrongdoings: 

You must apply yourselves with diligence. You should understand the precious lessons in life, so that you may return to Your Divine Father as early as possible.

Advancing toward the sphere of purity,

You will see that Your Father is waiting for you day and night,

Once you return to your true origin, you will see that you have returned to your glorious state. Day and night, your practice does not amount much, but you keep counting it constantly with Your Father. Your Father cares for you, but He never counts His blessings with you. In contrast, why do you count your efforts with Your Father?

You say that you have cultivated yourselves spiritually for many years without seeing any results. You do not yet understand yourselves. Any spiritual method on this earth comes from My planning, to allow for your spiritual evolution, so that you will understand yourselves.

Only when you understand yourselves, will you have the opportunity to practice and progress accordingly. If you keep delving into people's affairs, you will only create wars.

Once you return to your true nature, you will understand the infinite love of Your Divine Father. At that time, you will be able to progress infinitely, and You and Me, we will be One.